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Ministry Spotlights
August 24, 2023

"A Whirlwind of a Summer:" An Update from College & Young Adult Ministries

by Tami Woods, Director of College & Young Adult Ministries

As summer draws to a close and the school year begins, the diocesan College & Young Adult Ministries staff find ourselves at the tail end of a whole lot of travel and even more fun.

Walt and I started our summer with visits to all three of our camp and conferences sites. We got to spend time with the amazing staff members, help with physical preparations, and eat some incredible food! In addition to these initial visits, Walt spent much of his summer continuing to help at various sessions of Camp Capers Summer Camp and Mustang Island Family Camp. I even got to serve for a session! We had so much fun with the college students and young adults serving throughout our diocese this summer. We could not have been more impressed by them all.

In the midst of all of that fun, we took a break to join other people serving college and young adults around the Greater Episcopal Church at the national Young Adult & Campus Ministries conference in San Diego, California. What an amazing trip! We learned so much from a wide variety of people from a variety of places. We got to spend time with people who could relate to the joys and challenges we encounter in our work. The icing on the cake was having the Rev. Becca Stevens as our speaker throughout the week. Did you know that she started her ordained ministry as a chaplain at Vanderbilt University?

These past few weeks, I have spent some time with congregations from around the diocese, planning events and setting calendars for the upcoming semester. We will have college and young adult ministry happening all around the diocese this fall. Click here to see all of the upcoming events in our Fall 2023 Newsletter!

As summer ends and students begin to move back to campus, I will be taking one last adventure. Susan Lindstrom, College Minister at Christ Episcopal Church in San Antonio, and I will be traveling to Spain. We will be meeting with the Millers, our diocesan missionaries in Madrid to explore possible mission opportunities for college and young adults in the future. We will also be walking a portion of the Camino de Santiago to see if a pilgrimage would also be a viable choice for future trips. I can't wait to share what we discover!

Remember that Walt and I are always here for you! We will be praying for a smooth start to the semester and look forward to seeing you at the Fall Retreat!!!

~Tami Woods
Director of College & Young Adult Ministries

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