Cursillo (a Spanish word meaning "little course") gives church members the tools and "rules of life" to enthusiastically share the joys of knowing Christ with others in their everyday environments. Cursillo is patterned on Jesus' own example. He searched out and called groups of potential leaders, trained them and sent them out to bring the world to Him.During the weekend, participants engage in study, reflection, fellowship, and worship. The Cursillo weekend begins on Thursday evening and ends on Sunday afternoon with a closing service beginning at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, at the event location.
Cursillo es un retiro espiritual que comienza el Jueves por la tarde y termina el Domingo por la tarde, durante el cual los candidatos participan en un pequeño curso de Cristianismo por medio de su compañerismo por medio de su compañerismo en estudio y servicios religiosos. El cursillo esta abierto para: todos los miembros de la Iglesia Episcopal, ELCA Luterana, y la Iglesia Católica, con la debida autorización de su parroco o pastor. Para preguntas y más información sobre becas e inscripciones por favor de contactar a Margarita Mejía (210-609-2908) o al correo electrónico, O llamar 210-824-5387 (Diocese of West Texas, Bishop Jones Center) con atención a Registrar de Cursillo.
March 13-16. Click here to register.
Join Arden McLean from St. George, San Antonio, lay rectora and Marie Sluder from Holy Spirit, San Antonio, assistant rectora, for Cursillo #295 for a weekend of study, reflection, fellowship, and worship held March 13 - 16, 2024 at Camp Capers. Spiritual Directors will be the Revs. Ram Lopez from St. George, San Antonio, Gerald Phelps from St. Andrews, Corpus Christi, and Laurie McKim from Santa Fe, San Antonio.
South Central District Representative (West Texas, Rio Grande, Lousiana, Western Louisiana, and Mexico)
Mr. John Ahrens,
Stay in touch with the Cursillo Ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. Click here to receive prayer and event emails.
The Rt. Rev. David G. Read, Spiritual Director
Ben Powers - President
Heather Marks - Vice President
James Bangert
Greg Kirkland
Don Greer
Debbie Gardiner
Margarita Mejia
Michelle Little
Rosine Carter
Stuart Carter
Cliff McLean
The Rev. Laurie McKim
The Rev. Gerald Phelps
Marie Sluder