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The Christian Formation Committee serves the 87 worshipping communities in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. Our goal is to provide Christian formation resources and guide congregations in forming disciples of all ages. 

In May 2024 Suzanna Green was appointed as the Director of Christian Formation. She previously served as Bishop’s Deputy for Christian Formation. She is responsible for encouraging strong Christian formation for all ages and creating a diocesan-wide support system for the churches, in collaboration with the Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, D.D., Bishop of West Texas, and the Christian Formation Committee. Contact Suzanna Green, at and (210) 816-1949.

Click here to access resources and curriculum recommendations for Adult Formation programs.

Formation Resources

Creative Ways to be Intergenerational Webinar

Diocesan Backpack Tags

Whether you do a backpack blessing at your church already or it is something you have not tried yet, these tags are for you! Many churches do a backpack blessing either the Sunday before school starts or a Sunday right around when the first few schools start back for the Fall if you have several schools in your community that start at different times. Backpack blessings can be for all ages. You can invite children, youth, and college students to bring school bags, and adults to bring their work bag for a blessing. Click here for a printable PDF

Here are a few ways to use them:

  • print tags on regular paper or cardstock
  • put in reusable luggage pouches (like these)
  • put in laminated pouches (like these or these)
  • hand to folks at your church's backpack blessing

Click here for some options of prayers to use for backpack blessings and a prayer to pray over your church's school or the schools in your community.

Season of Creation Formation Resources

The season of creation begins September 1, the Day of Prayer for Creation and ends on October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. This season is recognized by many protestant denominations including the Episcopal Church. Here are a few ideas of how your church can recognize this season.

Studying the Acts of the Apostles

In 2024 the Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read invites the diocese to study Acts. He states, “The Acts of the Apostles is the first book of the New Testament following The Gospels of Jesus Christ. Authored by Luke, the book of Acts describes the early life of the Christian movement as it wrestled with its relationship to Judaism, and as it learned to share the Gospel in the midst of the cultures of the 1st century. It is a story of missional movement and action as the Holy Spirit empowers the followers of Jesus Christ to live in the power of Christ’s resurrection and proclaim the Gospel throughout the Mediterranean, eventually reaching Rome – the center of the Roman Empire. As modern-day disciples of Jesus, we too find ourselves needing to learn to share the story of Jesus Christ in a culture and time when generations of people do not know him, or are not in a relationship with him. May the faith and work of the earliest Christians inspire us to do the work God has given us to do in our day.”


Intergenerational Formation


Study Resources for Children

  • Episcopal Children's Curriculum - thematic Sunday school curriculum tied to the seasons of the church year and developed by the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary.
  • Godly Play - help children (early, middle, and late childhood ages) explore faith through story, gain religious language, and enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play.
  • Hearts Alive Children's Church - lectionary-based curriculum to deepen a child’s personal relationship with Jesus by helping them to know him through his Word, as well as love and serve him through worship and a shared communion with one another.
  • Illustrated Ministry - accessible faith-based resources for the church and home, designed to foster authentic faith engagement through creative activities and intergenerational focus.Sparkhouse - resources to engage and build faith in your community with innovative Bibles, curricula, and workshops from birth to adult.
  • Lesson Plans that Work - Lesson plans written by experienced church teachers using practical approaches to respond to the needs of volunteer teachers. Designed to follow the Revised Common Lectionary and published by The Episcopal Church.
  • Workshop Rotation Model This curriculum uses the approach of telling one major Bible story over several weeks through different mediums or “workshops” such as art, cooking, drama, games, etc.

Bible Studies for Teens

  • Faith Questions: A curriculum for youth that explores questions asked by real youth about important faith topics.
  • Building Faith’s Top Picks for Youth Ministry Curriculum: This list of Building Faith’s favorite curriculum options are based on theology, availability, and pedagogy. The articles in their Curriculum Center can help you identify your needs, capabilities, and hopes.
  • Lesson Plans that Work: These lessons are thematic and timely as they lift up some of the important topics of the day such as racial justice and healing, creation care, and equality. They are published by The Episcopal Church.
  • Journey to Adulthood: Creative, developmentally appropriate lessons centered on inclusive, relational ministry revised and updated in 2021.
  • Echo the Story: This is a visual oriented curriculum that engages a variety of learning styles through video, sketching, reenacting and conversation.  
  • Faith Lens: A weekly Bible studies that engage youth and young adults in connecting world events with the Bible, faith, and everyday life.
  • Fathom: This is a Bible study for teens that covers the Old and New Testaments in 18 studies. Each study includes four sessions.

World Missions Children's Curriculum

To engage children in the work our diocese does around the world, the diocesan World Missions Department wrote several 4-lesson studies for children, highlighting children from Kurdistan, Uganda, Guatemala, Navajoland, and Mexico. Each lesson includes a song, a Bible story, information about the country, and activities. These units can be used for Sunday school, children’s chapel, Vacation Bible School, or a family study at-home.

Click here to save a copy of the World Missions Children's Curriculum.

Other Online Resources

  • Building Faith: a ministry of Virginia Theological Seminary, aimed at equipping and inspiring churches and individuals for the ministry of Christian education and faith formation.
  • Dandelion Marketplace: an online marketplace with a variety of curriculums and materials for children, youth, and family formation.
  • PRC Book Review Blog: a website that reviews several of the latest Christian formation books. You can subscribe to Just One More Page by emailing to get thereviews sent to you each month.


Click here to receive the Christian Formation newsletter, sent four times each year with events and seasonal resources.

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News & Stories

Resources & Curricula
July 16, 2024

Summer Books and Podcasts Recommendations

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April 12, 2024

Christian Formation Vacation Bible Study Recommendations

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Guest Authors
January 11, 2024

Best Practices and Overcoming Barriers to Small Church Christian Formation

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