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October 29, 2020

"Always Trust Your Cape:" Diocesan Fall Campaign Update

Last month, the Rt. Rev. David Reed and I issued a letter to the diocese launching a fall campaign in support of three diocesan ministries that have been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. I hope you will consider lending your support, if you are able. The challenges many of us are facing right now are difficult and we’ve all been living a strange existence for quite a long time. Sometimes, it can feel unrelenting and scary, but looking forward gives me hope for the future. Knowing I’m surrounded by others who walk beside me gives me peace and a sense of stability.

When I was young, every Saturday morning my Dad played Americana and Texas folk music over the enormous Pioneer speakers in our living room. It was totally normal to be woken up by the sounds of John Prine or Townes Van Zandt floating through our house. Early on, the songs of Guy Clark became the soundtrack of my childhood, which was not the coolest thing for an adolescent in 1990. When I was in high school, Guy Clark released his album Dublin Blues and his song, "The Cape" became, and continues to be, my favorite song.

Over the years the song's meaning to me has evolved. As a high school senior, the metaphor of “always trust your cape” evoked the newfound sense of independence I was going to experience in college. My cape was myself. I was to trust that my raising and my education were enough to launch me out into the big world. When I got married the first time, my Dad and I danced to "The Cape" at my wedding reception, and I remember feeling that he was my cape. My dad had given me the gifts of security and love, and even though I was getting married, he would still be a dependable shelter from hard times that may come my way. And when those hard times came, there he was - a dependable and steady cape making sure I didn’t hit the ground too hard.

Now that I am firmly planted in middle age, with kids of my own and aging parents who need more care than they are willing to admit to or allow, a career and husband I love, when I reflect on the concept of a cape it begins to take on an entirely different and complex shape. Beyond myself and the individual people who provide strength, respite and a soft place to land, there are the communities, congregations, and villages who circle up and hold my hands as I use the strength of their communal cape to share the burden and land softly. This shows up in the neighbors who check on my parents when I cannot, the carpool that lightens the load for working parents like me, the congregation that springs into action to bring us meals if we are sick, or shows up to hold my hand whenI receive terrible news. Beyond ourselves, community and care have become our cape.

As we all continue to walk through challenges of our everyday lives, compounded by COVID-19, our diocesan ministries serve as source of stability and joy for college students, families and youth, and our under-resourced brothers and sisters in Christ. During ordinary times, and especially in challenging times, as the body of Christ, we serve as the cape to thousands of individuals and families through diocesan ministries. By your support and loving care of Vital University Missions, Camps & Conferences, and World Missions, together, we are providing transformative experiences that build God’s Kingdom on earth.

We want to ensure these diocesan programs continue to have the resources they need to carry out their plans through 2020 and into 2021. During this season when we all feel a little like we are holding our breath uncertain of what the future might bring, we look to our faith with open hearts and open arms, and trust that God’s grace sustains us.

If you are inclined and able, there are multiple ways to participate in this fall campaign.

  • You may click here to make a direct gift online, or mail a check to the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas: PO Box 6885; San Antonio, TX 78209, with “Fall 2020 Campaign” on the memo line.
  • The 15th Annual Bishop’s Golf Classic will take place, with modifications, on November 6th at Canyon Springs Golf Club in San Antonio, with all proceeds benefitting camping, world missions, and college ministries. Details and registration is available at


Anne Spears, Director of Development
Episcopal Diocese of West Texas


"He’s one of those who knows that life
Is just a leap of faith.
Spread your arms and hold your breath,
Always trust your cape."

"The Cape," Guy Clark

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