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Ministry Spotlights
September 8, 2023

Back to School News from Good Samaritan Community Services

Good Samaritan Community Services is extremely excited to announce this year’s Helen Miller and Everett H. Jones Scholars Ambassador, Alexa Amador!

The Rt. Rev. Everett H. Jones was the Fourth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas from 1943 until 1969. Under his leadership as Rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in San Antonio, the ministry that became the Good Samaritan Community Services (St. Mark's Community House) began in 1939 in downtown San Antonio. The next year he married Helen Miller Cameron. After becoming Bishop of West Texas, it became an agency of the diocese in 1951: Good Samaritan Center. Bishop Jones spoke of Good Samaritan Community Services as one of the accomplishments of which he was most proud, representing the love of God as “a present, active, reality.”

The Helen Miller and Everett H. Jones Scholars Ambassador was created in 2011 to recognize and support full-time college students in financial need, who serve their neighbors in the generous spirit of Helen Miller and Bishop Everett H. Jones. The 2023 Ambassador, Alexa Amador is an active Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Officer and has just begun her educational journey Texas A&M College Station this semester.

To the many donors for the 2023-2024 Good Samaritan Back to School Drive, we would like to send an earnest thank you!

Thanks to your generosity, Youth and Teens Services staff were able to make 225 Pre-K, Elementary, Middle, and High School bags that were distributed to an equal number of students. This provides aid to approximately 150 families on the Westside of San Antonio and helps students show up prepared for the first day of school. School supplies are one of the biggest needs that our school-age clients have, and because of you, their families now have one less thing to worry about. Again, on behalf of Good Samaritan Community, thank you for your continued support.  

Learn more about Good Samaritan Community Services online at

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