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News & Stories
July 6, 2021

Clergy Children Scholarship Applications Open for 2021-2022 Academic Year

Applications are now being accepted for educational scholarships from the Clergy Children's College Foundation for the 2021-2022 academic year. These scholarships are offered to college-age children of active, retired, or non-parochial clergy* in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. Scholarships are restricted to full-time students (12 semester hours or more) at either the undergraduate or graduate level, for a maximum of eight semesters.

This scholarship opportunity is made available through the generosity of the Rev. Gary Gooch, Assisting Clergy in the Eastern Convocation Partners in Ministry, and his wife, Mrs. Donnelle Gooch. The endowment scholarship fund is held with the Episcopal Church Foundation in West Texas. Since its establishment in 2000, the fund has distributed over $38,479. With receipt of completed application letter, scholarship awards will be made in equal amounts to all qualified applicants. Last year seven college applicants each received $462.39.

The deadline for 2021-2022 applications is Thursday, August 5, 2021.

To apply for the 2021-22 school year, applicants should submit a letter that “tells their story," answering where they are in their life as well as what their hopes and dreams may be as they enter or continue their college education. Applicant letters should also include the following,

  • Student's mailing address, as of late August 2021
  • Student's legal name
  • Student's college ID number, or other identifying number

Applicant letters may be submitted to Leslie Mixson, Development Assistant, by email (preferred), at Application letters may also be submitted by mail to the diocesan office at:
Diocese of West Texas
Clergy Children's Scholarship Fund
Attn: Leslie Mixson
PO Box 6885
San Antonio, TX 78209.

Questions? Please feel free to contact Leslie Mixson, Development Assistant, at The Development Office can also be reached by phone at (888/210) 824-5387.

Click here for more information about academic scholarships offered by the Diocese.

*For the purposes of this scholarship application, clergy are defined as ordained persons currently residing in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, whether they are active, retired, or non-parochial. Children are defined as biological children, adopted children, and stepchildren, regardless of residential arrangements. Regretfully, at this time grandchildren are not eligible to apply.

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