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News & Stories
August 17, 2022

Announcing New Additions to the College Missions Team

Walt Buzzini V, College Missions Liaison, and Tami Woods, College Missions Coordinator.

The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas is pleased to announce the hiring of Walt Buzzini V as College Missions Liaison and Tami Woods as College Missions Coordinator. Walt will be the point person on campus to gather and coordinate with students while Tami will focus on working with churches and clergy in the diocese to grow College Missions outreach in collaboration with the College Missions Committee chaired by the Rev. Kevin Schubert. Mary Hayden Manning will continue in a volunteer support role for the Committee.

“The Diocese of West Texas has one of the strongest camping and Happening programs. Great leaders are being formed in our diocese and this refocusing of the College Missions team will help bridge the gap between high school seniors and their college years to keep them engaged as best we can when they go off to college,” the Rt. Rev. David Reed said.

Walt​ is a native son of San Antonio, baptized and confirmed at St. David’s. At 14 years old, he attended the McCallie School in Chattanooga, TN. serving as an active member of its student vestry. In 2021, he graduated from the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science with a Public Policy minor.

Walt is beyond excited to work with the college students and parish communities in the diocese sharing “No matter how crazy my life was as a college student, I always knew my local parish would remain a constant. Nourishing me both spiritually and emotionally, the support I received from the people of St. Paul’s, Charlottesville kept me grounded even in the most chaotic of times. I would like every student in our Diocese to have a place like that.”

An active member of West Texas at both the parish and diocesan level, Tami Woods lives in San Marcos with her spouse, the Rev. Mike Woods, their three children, and two dogs. Her family attends St. Elizabeth's in Buda where the Rev. Mike serves as Vicar. Tami completed her undergraduate degree from the University of Texas, Austin and earned a master's degree at Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio. She previously worked in healthcare, but has always been drawn to the work of the church. Recently, Tami to take a step back from her career in healthcare to continue her discernment more intentionally.

"I have always had a passion for the youth and young adults of the church. Being involved in campus ministry at UT was extremely formative for me,” Tami shared. “My campus ministry experience may or may not fit what students are interested in today. But, I am so excited to get to explore new ways of doing ministry that will be just as meaningful to them as it was for me."

Congregations and individuals with questions about College Missions in their community may contact Walt Buzzini,, and Tami Woods, at

College Missions Resources

College Student Connection Form

The Diocese of West Texas is committed to creating and sustaining relationships with students who are attending institutions of higher education inside and outside its borders.

College Students: Your diocesan family wants to support you!

Share your information with us as you begin or continue your college journey. We will use this to stay connected with you and share information about College Missions in and out of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas.

  • Interested in connecting to a college ministry within the Diocese of West Texas?
  • Attending school outside the Diocese of West Texas?

Send the College Missions Committee your contact information, and members will connect you to the closest student ministry or parish near your campus.

Click here to fill out the form.

College Missions Council - Grant Application

The Diocese of West Texas College Missions Council supports ministries of, to, and with young adults (ages 18-30) both on and off college campuses. We are calling for proposals from parishes that envision ministry for and with young adults in the diocese during the Spring and Fall 2022 semesters. Grants of up to $5,000 are available to support young adult and campus ministries. Grant recipients may reapply as needed, and as grants are available, in the same fiscal year. Interested congregations may send proposals to the committee which will be responsible for allocating grant monies and coordinating college ministry efforts.

Click here to download the application.

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