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Ministry Spotlights
April 17, 2023

College Missions Council Requests Student Contact Information

Congratulations to all graduating high school seniors and young adults returning to school in the fall. The College and Young Adult Ministries Department wants to support you!

Click here or text "CollegeConnect" to (210) 796-6805 and complete the College Student Connection Form. Tami Woods, College Missions Coordinator, and Walt Buzzini, Campus Missioner will use the information submitted to support you - whether you're going to school in or outside of the Diocese.

Tami and Walt will use the submitted contact information to stay connected with diocesan youth and share information about College Retreats, Study Days during final exam season, and other college-specific announcements. If attending school outside the Diocese, they will help connect students with college ministries near their school. Personal contact information submitted through the form will not be used for email or text message marketing without permission and will not be shared with third-parties.

The College Missions Council looks forward to continuing to form the spiritual lives of young adults in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. Questions may be directed to the Rev. Kevin Schubert, College Missions Council Chair, Tami Woods, or Walt Buzzini.

Congregations, Parents, & Clergy:

Help update this database by sharing the online College Student Connection Form with your congregation's college students and graduating high school seniors, using the toolkit below. Anyone can access the form by texting "CollegeConnect" to (210) 796-6805, scanning the QR Code, or visiting

Click here to save the College Student Connection Form toolkit to your Downloads folder.

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