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February 26, 2022

Completion of Election - Council 2022

The following individuals have been elected to serve as leaders of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, by its 118th Annual Council.

Executive Board

Clergy: The Rev. Ann Fraser, The Rev. Joshua Woods, and the Rev. Bonnie Reeves (unexpired two-year term)
Lay: Georgia Grainger, Robert McDonald, Suzanne Scott, and Grace Symmons

Standing Committee

Clergy: The Rev. Matt Wise and the Rev. Scott Brown (unexpired one-year term)
Lay: Dr. Elizabeth Manning

Episcopal Corporation in West Texas Trustees

Clergy: The Rev. John Blackburn
Lay: Matthew Boutte

Sewanee: The University of the South Trustees

Sam Regonini

TMI Episcopal Trustees

Clergy: The Rev. Andrew Green
Lay: Mary Hayden Manning

The following General Officers of the Diocese were elected by the 118th Diocesan Council.

Chancellor, Hon. Kelley Kimble

Secretary, the Rev. David G. Read

Treasurer, Ted Burkhart

Registrar, Leigh Saunders

Historiographer, Tom Lee

Archivist, David White

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