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News & Stories
February 17, 2023

Completion of Election - Council 2023

The following individuals have been elected to serve as leaders of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, by its 119th Annual Council.

Executive Board

Clergy: The Rev. Ram Lopez and the Rev. Betsy Stephenson
Lay: Rosine Carter, Kristi Greene, Gail Hoffman, Dr. Anna Saulsbury-Molina, and Michael Mortensen (unexpired two-year term)

Standing Committee

Clergy: The Rev. Carrie Guerra
Lay: Susan Alwais

Episcopal Corporation in West Texas Trustees

Clergy: The Rev. Aloysius Peter Thaddeus
Lay: John Warren

Sewanee: The University of the South Trustees

Abby Cole

TMI Episcopal Board of Governors

Nancy Beauchamp

General Officers

The following General Officers of the Diocese were elected by the 119th Diocesan Council.

Chancellor, Hon. Kelley Kimble

Secretary, the Rev. Ram Lopez

Treasurer, Ted Burkhart

Registrar, Leigh Saunders

Historiographer, Tom Lee

Archivist, David White

Click here for more information about each diocesan governing body.

General Convention and Provincial Synod

The following individuals were elected to represent the Diocese of West Texas at General Convention, scheduled to take place Summer 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky, and any called Provincial Synod gatherings. Any deputy who becomes unable to serve will be replaced by an alternate deputy from the same order, clergy or lay.

Clergy Deputies:

  • The Rev. Scott Brown
  • The Rev. Carrie Guerra
  • The Rev. Dr. Ben Nelson
  • The Rev. Ram Lopez

Lay Deputies:

  • Curt Mowen
  • Jennifer Wickham
  • Mary Hayden Manning
  • Wheless Baker

Clergy Alternate Deputies:

  • The Rev. Jay George
  • The Rev. Ripp Hardaway
  • The Rev. Reagan Gonzalez
  • The Rev. Nancy Springer

Lay Alternate Deputies:

  • Richard Mosty
  • Rosine Carter
  • Grace Buchanan
  • Gail Hoffman

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