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March 29, 2022

Constitution and Canons, 2022 Edition, Available Online

The 118th Council of the Episcopal Dioceses of West Texas voted to approve three resolutions pertaining to the Diocesan Constitution and Canons during its online gathering, February 25 - 26, 2022. Updated copies of the Constitution and Canons, 2022 edition, have been mailed to each congregation in the Diocese. The 2022 Edition is available online now, at the link below and on the Constitution and Canons webpage.

The diocesan Constitution and Canons outline the rules, leadership roles, and committees that govern the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. Changes to the Constitution or Canons must be approved by Diocesan Council. For more information about this process, contact Canon Caroline Mowen, at

Click here to download a copy of the diocesan Constitution and Canons.

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