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October 2, 2022

Did You Know?: 1 Week Remaining to Nominate for Bishop Coadjutor

Did You Know?

An Education & Communication Series from the Bishop Nominating Committee*

Nominations for Bishop remain open for one more week, until 5:00 p.m. CST on Monday, October 10, 2022.

Our Diocesan Profile highlights the top seven responses from the survey shared with the diocese earlier this year concerning the character expected in one called to be the bishop. Here are the leading responses:

  • A person of integrity
  • Sound judgment
  • Strong theological background
  • Good sense of humor
  • Flexible and open-minded
  • Deeply spiritual and prayerful
  • Good listener

While individual preferences may vary, few disagree with the model for a bishop prescribed in scripture. 1 Timothy 3:1 describes a model Christian, and our Book of Common Prayer (BCP) reflects those values in the consecration service for a bishop. The BCP asks that the new bishop accepts the call to be:

  • Faithful in prayer
  • Faithful in the study and application of scripture
  • Bold in proclaiming the gospel
  • One who both enlightens the minds and stirs up the conscience of the people
  • Someone capable of nourishing Christians from “the riches of God’s grace”
  • Someone prepared to guard the faith, unity and discipline of the church
  • Someone merciful to all, compassionate to the poor and strangers, and a defender of those who have no helper.

If you feel compelled to propose a member of the clergy you know who possesses these qualities, here are a  few guidelines to consider:

  • They may be a woman or a man and need to be at least 30 years of age.
  • They do not have to be your current rector or vicar, or even from this diocese at all, yet must be active and in good standing with The Episcopal Church.
  • Each nomination requires both a clergy person and a layperson to nominate; and the bishop of the nominee’s diocese must be made aware of the nomination. If they are already a bishop, then the Presiding Bishop must be notified.
  • Each person can make only one nomination for Bishop of West Texas.
Click here to open the Nominations Form.

Nominations will not be accepted after the October 10 deadline.

More Information & Resources
  • Click here to read the Diocesan Profile online.
  • Click here to save a printable Diocesan Profile; the PDF will automatically save to your Downloads folder.
  • Click here to read recent written and video communications from the Standing Committee.
  • Click here to open the Bishop Election webpage.

News and updates from the Standing Committee will be shared by email, the diocesan Facebook and Instagram feed, and online, at

  • Click here to subscribe to the Diocesan General Interest email list, which will receive all Standing Committee communications.
*Bishop Nominating Committee

The Standing Committee Members
President - the Rev. Dr. Ben Nelson, TMI Episcopal, San Antonio
Mrs. Nancy Beauchamp, Good Shepherd, Corpus Christi
The Rev. Scott Brown, TMI Episcopal, San Antonio
Dr. Liz Manning, Holy Spirit, Dripping Springs
Mr. Richard Mosty, St. Peter’s, Kerrville
The Rev. Matthew Wise, St. Mark’s, San Antonio

The Assisting Members

Mrs. Thurma Hilton, St. Richard’s, Round Rock
The Rev. Alex Holloway, St. Margaret’s, San Antonio
The Rev. John Inserra, St. Alban’s, Harlingen
Ms. Andrea Knight, Resurrection, Windcrest
The Rev. Karen Morris, Emmanuel, Lockhart
The Rev. Arnoldo Romero, St. James, Del Rio

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