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May 9, 2024

Diocesan Profile and Nomination Process for Bishop Suffragan Election

Hello Diocese of West Texas!

The Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, Bishop of West Texas, called for the election of a bishop suffragan in February. Since that time, the Nominating Committee has met regularly to pray for the diocese and to establish the Bishop Suffragan Election process, outlined in previous communications that are available online, at

Today, the Nominating Committee is releasing the Diocesan Profile electronically, to provide a view of our diocese and the role of the bishop suffragan. We ask the people of West Texas to prayerfully consider clergy who might have a call to be bishop suffragan and to share the profile with those who may be interested.

Each nominee must be nominated by one lay person and one clergy nominator.

There will not be a petition process, and there will not be nominations from the floor. Each person may only submit one nominee for bishop suffragan, using the Nomination Form linked below, and neither the nominators nor the candidate needs to be resident within the diocese.

The Nomination Form includes a link for the nominee to update his or her biographical data with The Episcopal Church's Office of Transitional Ministries. No nomination can be made unless that person has consented to be nominated and has advised their diocesan bishop if a priest or the Presiding Bishop if a bishop that they will be in the nominating process for West Texas.

Names of those discerning a call to this process will be received starting on May 28th and nominations will close on June 12th. Although nomination forms won't be accepted prior to May 28, we do want you to start saying your prayers and sharing the profile as The Holy Spirit moves you. Talk to your clergy. Talk to each other. And begin prayerfully discerning who you might consider nominating to be our next bishop suffragan. We will continue to keep you updated regularly as the process proceeds.

Beginning May 28, completed Nomination Forms should be submitted directly to the Nominating Committee at

The Nominating Committee

Next Steps in the Timeline for the Election of the Bishop Suffragan
  • May 28: Nominations open
  • June 12: Nominations close
  • August 26-29: Discernment Retreat
  • September 13: Slate of nominees announced
  • October 4-6: Discernment Forums
  • October 19: Election of the Bishop Suffragan of West Texas
  • ‍March 29, 2025: Consecration of the Bishop Suffragan of West Texas

Visit the Bishop Suffragan Election page for more details.

A Prayer for the Election of a Bishop Suffragan

Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present as we discern who you would call to serve as Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of West Texas. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is your will, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Oración para la elección de un Obispo Sufragáneo

Dios todopoderoso y eterno, fuente de toda sabiduría y entendimiento, esté presente mientras discernimos a quién llamaras a servir como Obispo Sufragáneo de la Diócesis de West Texas. Enséñanos en todas las cosas a buscar primero tu honor y gloria. Guíanos para que percibamos cuál es tu voluntad, y concédenos tanto el coraje para seguirla como la gracia para llevarla a cabo; por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.

Bishop Nominating Committee:

The Standing Committee Members
The Rev. James Derkits, Trinity by the Sea, Port Aransas - President
Dr. Liz Manning, Holy Spirit, Dripping Springs
Susan Alwais, St. George, San Antonio
Libby Templeton, St. Michael and All Angels, Blanco
The Rev. Jonathan Wickham, All Saints', Corpus Christi
The Rev. Karen Morris, Emmanuel, Lockhart

The Assisting Members
Lorena Rojas, St. John’s, McAllen
The Rev. Mike Woods, St. Elizabeth's, Buda
Lory Zimmerman, St. Philip’s, Uvalde
The Rev. Betsy Stephenson, Grace, Llano
Dorcas Sampson, Church of the Resurrection, Windcrest
The Rev. Michael Koehler, Trinity, Victoria

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