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From the Bishop
April 13, 2023

Diocese Notified of Successful Canonical Consent Process for Bishop Coadjutor-Elect

Dear Friends in Christ,

Grace to you and peace throughout this joyful Eastertide!

We received wonderful news this morning for the Diocese of West Texas: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has announced that our Bishop Coadjutor-elect, the Rev. Dr. David G. Read, has received the required majority of consents to his election from bishops with jurisdiction and diocesan standing committees in The Episcopal Church, per Canon III.11.3.

The official consents have been certified by the Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, registrar of the General Convention.

In giving consent to his ordination and consecration, standing committees and bishops exercising jurisdiction in The Episcopal Church attest to knowing of “no impediment on account of which” Bishop Coadjutor-elect Read ought not to be ordained as bishop, and that his election was conducted in accordance with the canons.

Father David was elected to be our Bishop-Coadjutor on February 18, 2023 by the 119th Council of the Diocese.

I hope you will join me in giving thanks to God that we can now drop “pending consents” from every reference to his election and consecration. I look forward with joy to the consecration of our brother and bishop-elect on Saturday, July 8, in All Saints Chapel at TMI Episcopal in San Antonio.

Father David’s last Sunday as rector of St. Helena’s, Boerne, is this Sunday, April 16. Then he will enjoy time off for rest, study, and vacation with family before joining us in the diocesan office at the beginning of June.

May the joy of the risen Christ fill your hearts and your churches for all of the Great 50 Days of Easter!

Love in Christ,


The Rt. Rev. David M. Reed
Bishop of West Texas

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