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From the Bishop
June 8, 2021

Father's Day Offering Benefiting Habitat for Humanity

From the Rt. Rev. David M. Reed, Bishop of West Texas, and the Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., Assistant Bishop of West Texas

Grace to you and peace in Jesus Christ our Lord!

Father’s Day is Sunday, June 20, 2021, and we are inviting each church in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas to consider a special Father’s Day offering in support of the diocese’s Habitat for Humanity fund. Consider honoring fathers, and other special men in your lives, with this gift; it is a great way to remember fathers and an easy way to support the great work of Habitat for Humanity.

Habitat for Humanity offers a hand up, not a hand out. With joy and pride, families receive the keys to their new homes, built with their own “sweat equity” and the hands of many volunteers. In July 2020 the Habitat Builders of West Texas completed its project in Victoria, Texas, providing a safe home for a mother and her three children during a year when the uncertainty of a pandemic taught us all the incredible value of shelter, stability, and a supportive community. Looking ahead, we remain committed to assisting with Habitat for Humanity home builds around the Diocese and to coordinating congregational participation. We also support parishes and missions engaged in home builds in their own communities.  

Included below are Father’s Day Offering bulletin inserts to help spread the word leading up to Father’s Day or a Sunday chosen by your congregation. Congregations and individuals can also join the DWTX Carpenters Club for $300 per year, in lieu of or in addition to a dedicated Sunday offering. Carpenters Club members provide a reliable source of funding for this ministry.  

Contributions can be mailed to the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas at P.O. Box 6885, San Antonio, TX 78209.  Please note in the memo section of your check either “Habitat” or “Carpenters Club.” Click here to open the online donation form.

If you have questions or need more information, please contact Curt Mowen, Habitat Builders of West Texas' Chair. Thank you for considering this offering. Together, we can provide families with good housing and the hope of a better life.

Faithfully yours in Christ, 

David M. Reed                                                            Rayford B. High, Jr.
Bishop of West Texas                                            Assistant Bishop

Click here to donate to the Habitat Builders of West Texas,
as part of the annual Father's Day Offering.

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