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Ministry Spotlights
March 6, 2024

Holy Week Boxes

In 2023, St. Mark’s, San Marcos Director of Children and Family Ministries Tamara Talasek created Holy Week boxes for families to use at home together throughout that special week. Before the start of Holy Week, each child received a box with several tactile materials to use throughout the week. Children also got to customize their boxes during Sunday school on Palm Sunday before taking them home. The boxes started with an activity for Palm Sunday and ended with Easter Sunday. There were activities for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday included in the box.

Along with the boxes came a packet of instructions and information about each of the special days mentioned above. The information included an invitation to any of the special services at St. Mark’s on that day of the week but also included simple and meaningful activities for families to do at home. As families with children might have a difficult time making it to evening events or on days of the week when they do not usually come to church this is a great way to include them in the celebration of Holy Week and connect them back to their church family during this week.

Click here to view the packet of information that came with the boxes along with photos of some of the elements in the boxes.

Click here to view and download the Contemplation Cards.

If you’d like more information on these boxes you can contact Tamara at

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