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Resources & Curricula
March 23, 2020

How To Update Service Times On The Episcopal Asset Map

[March 23, 2020] In response to nationwide requests to share information about livestream service times, The Episcopal Church's Office of Communication has updated the worship category of the Episcopal Asset Map to include services via livestream, in addition to the diocesan list posted on the COVID-19 Resources page.

Churches who will livestream services can submit updated worship information to the diocesan map administrator today, following the steps listed below. Please list what services you will livestream, whether those offerings are regular, semi-regular, or occasional services, and in what language they will be offered.

If your church or clergy contact information needs to be updated, please submit the new information through Asset Map editor, steps listed below.

Since all updates to churches and schools must be approved by the diocesan map administrator prior to publication, you do not need a username or password to submit edits to your church's listing on the Episcopal Asset Map.

How To Update Church Information on the Episcopal Asset Map

Click here to watch a playlist of seven short videos to help you understand and update each section of your congregation's listing on the Episcopal Asset Map.

Find your church:

  1. Visit and search for your church by name or by city.
  2. Select your church's pin, then click on the name or “More Details” link in the box on the right.
  3. On the place page, click “Update this place”
  4. Select the Worship tab, on the left side of the page, then add a new service or edit an existing one.

Add a Livestream Note to an Existing Worship Service:

  1. Select the Worship tab, on the left side of the page and click the "Edit" button for the individual service.
  2. In the Worship Language menu, type and select “live stream”.
  3. Type a description in the Worship Style text box that includes what the service is called and how it can be accessed.
    For example: "Morning Prayer will be offered on our Facebook page Sundays at 10:30 a.m., at"; or "Follow us on Facebook to get a notification when we go live for Sunday services of Morning Prayer @StPhilipsChurchUvalde. Note: You do not have to be on Facebook to watch this live service."

Please note: You should not click "Save and Submit" until you have completed all edits to your church listing.

Create a New Worship Service Entry:

  1. Select the Worship tab, on the left side of the page and click “Add Worship Times” button.
  2. In the resulting box, enter the day of the week the service occurs.
  3. If it is an occasional or semi-regular offering, select “Does not repeat weekly” and in the following box, enter what information you know (Occasional; third Sunday of each month; alternating Mondays, etc.).
  4. Enter the time of the service.
  5. In the language box, type first the spoken languages in which worship is offered. Then type “live stream”.
  6. Describe in the "Worship Style" text box what the service is called and how it can be accessed
    For example: "Morning Prayer will be offered on our Facebook page Sundays at 9:00 a.m. en Español, at"; or "Follow us on Facebook to get a notification when we go live for Sunday services of Morning Prayer @ChristChurchEpiscopalLaredo. Note: You do not have to be on Facebook to watch this live service."

Please note: You should not click "Save and Submit" until you have completed all edits to your church listing.

Update Church & Clergy Contact Information:

  1. Select the Contact Information tab, on the left side of the page.
  2. If creating a new contact person, click the "Add Person" and enter their name, title, and contact information.
  3. If updating an existing person, click the "Edit" button next to their name.
  4. To remove someone, click the three red dots and select "Remove".

Once you have completed all edits to your church listing, click "Save and Submit" at the bottom of the page. You’ll be asked to provide your name and email address, just in case the diocesan map administrator needs to contact you about the change you submitted. Then click “Save and Submit” again.

The Episcopal Church Office of Communications is working to take information gleaned from the Asset Map and publish it to the Digital Church Guide. Being clear about what services will be livestreamed, and when, will help us communicate this further and better to Episcopalians and others looking for a worshipping community.

Questions? Please email the Diocesan Communications Department at

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