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Resources & Curricula
February 2, 2021

Introducing a Pre-Lent and Lenten Study: Moving On Through Forgiveness

By Marjorie George, Adult Christian Formation

Forgive and forget. We’ve been told that all our lives. And really, most of us would if we could. Yes, we know that resentment hurts us more than our enemies. But if forgetting must be part of our forgiveness, the task may be impossible, no matter how much we pray over it.

Perhaps, remember and move on is better advice. Sometimes, we really were wronged; the offense was committed. Reconciliation may not be possible or even advisable. And sometimes we are the ones who have committed the offense; how do we then move toward reconciliation?

Often, “forgive and forget” is just an alliterative illusion, says Barbara Crafton in her essay Forgiveness: What it is and What It Isn’t. “Forgiveness does not erase history or exonerate,” says Crafton. Even so, forgiveness is essential for our soul’s health.

In this 8-week study we will consider forgiveness from the perspective of several writers who are known for their wisdom. Each week we will read a different author, then practice little steps toward forgiveness throughout the week.

The group will meet Thursdays, beginning February 4th, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Each week will include

  • a reading on an aspect of forgiveness by a well known spiritual writer
  • questions for reflection and discussion
  • a calendar of daily activities
  • small-group discussion by Zoom

You will not need to buy a book for this study.

  • Marjorie George
  • Carla Pineda
  • The Rev. Patricia Riggins

If you have questions or to reserve your spot in the study, email Marjorie George, at

Click here for a printable flyer to share.

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