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News & Stories
December 8, 2021

Regarding Transitions: Staffing Changes in Communications Department

The Director of Marketing & Communications for the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, Emily Kittrell, has announced to the Rt. Rev. David Reed, Bishop of West Texas, and other colleagues that she has accepted a new position as Data Analyst and Performance Coach with United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County, beginning January 2022.

Emily joined the diocesan staff in January 2019. Throughout her time as Director of Marketing & Communications, she has led the diocese through a website transition, rebrand, and the implementation of a communications strategy which prioritizes digital marketing and an annual print magazine publication, LOGOS.

The Rt. Rev. David M. Reed, Bishop of West Texas, said, "Emily has been a strong leader and valuable member of the diocesan team. During her three years on staff, she has helped us navigate several significant transitions, including strengthening our digital presence and supporting congregations at the start of the pandemic as they adjusted for online worship. I and the rest of the diocesan staff will miss her and wish her the best in this new chapter. I know that the United Way will be well-served by her gifts and skills."

The work of the diocesan Communications Department will continue under the direction of Laura McGrew, who will serve as Interim Director of Communications beginning January 1, 2022. Questions regarding this transition may be directed to Caroline Mowen, Canon for Administration and Ministry Support, at Communications related inquiries may be sent to

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