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Ministry Spotlights
May 5, 2022

Sicangu Lakota Oyate Nation Star Quilt Given to World Missions

During their March visit with the Episcopal Church in South Dakota, World Missions was honored to receive a beautiful star quilt from the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jonathan Folts, Bishop of South Dakota, and his diocesan staff. Bishop Folts is also a former West Texas priest and the son of the Rt. Rev. Jim Folts, retired Bishop of West Texas, and Mrs. Sandy Folts, longtime supporters of the West Texas World Missions department and ministry. Based on the Lakota Oyates Peoples' traditions, they come from the stars and will return to the stars. Star quilts represent honor, respect and love to the Lakota Oyates Peoples. The quilt was made at the Harvest Wind Quilt Shop in Parmelee, South Dakota, home of the Sicangu Lakota Oyate Nation.

The Episcopal Diocese of South Dakota is home to churches on nine Indian reservations. They serve 79 indigenous congregations and have more indigenous people than all other Episcopal dioceses combined, including Alaska and Hawaii. World Missions is looking forward to continuing developing their relationship and living into their mission statement: "May God grant you the grace never to sell yourself short; the grace to risk something big, for something good; the grace to remember that our world is too dangerous for anything but the truth; and too small for anything but love" (adapted from William Sloane Coffin).

On Sunday, May 8, the Rt. Rev. David Reed invites congregations take up a special World Missions Mother's Day Offering. This offering spotlights the global impact of this gift and raises awareness of the mission partnerships and growing church-to-church relationships with the Dioceses of South Dakota and West Texas. Donations to the World Missions Mother's Day Offering in 2022 will benefit the Diocese of South Dakota's Wood for the Elders program on the Rosebud Reservation West in Mission, South Dakota. The ministry was developed to bring firewood to the elderly who often don't have heat despite living in frigid temperatures. This program costs around $20,000 a year, and serves countless people. World Missions is hopeful that they will be able to donate a year's worth of firewood to Wood for the Elders.

To make a contribution to honor your favorite mom or woman, visit the World Missions Giving page at and select Mother's Day Giving. You may also send a check made out to the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, 111 Torcido Drive, San Antonio, TX 78209, putting "Mother's Day" on the memo line.

Request a postcard (or two!) to let the important women in your life know you've made an online donation to the World Missions Mother's Day Offering in their honor.

Questions? Contact Marthe Curry, Director, at, or Catherine Markette, World Missions Ministries Coordinator, at

For more information about World Missions events and partnerships, click here to subscribe to the World Missions monthly newsletter and follow World Missions on Facebook and Instagram.

To see the beautiful star quilt given to World Missions, visit the diocesan office, at 111 Torcido Drive; San Antonio, TX 78209.

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