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Ministry Spotlights
July 15, 2024

St. Helena's YAMs Thrive in Boerne

The Young Adult Ministries group is a ministry of Saint Helena’s Episcopal Church in Boerne. Those who partake in this communal ministry - affectionately referring to themselves as YAMs - work together to love, serve, and learn about Christ and to broadcast His light out into the greater community. The ministry is headed by Cayce Mann. Through her devoted stewardship, the YAMs group continues to grow and flourish in new and exciting ways.

At least twice a month there is a rotating Bible study hosted by different members who help to moderate discussion and provide food for the group. One fun quirk of these bible studies is how the YAMs bring different types of Bibles and use the differences in the translations to further their discussions and inquiries as they delve deeper into the nitty gritty of scripture.

While the YAMs are certainly a studious bunch, they also recognize that there is much to be gleaned from relaxation and fun. A couple of times a month the YAMs will gather to participate in a group activity. To my knowledge, the YAMs have done: laser tag, board game nights, pool parties, escape rooms, hiking at Lost Maples, movie nights, syrup making for Shrove Tuesday, a Christmas cookie bake, and community dinners - and I am almost positive this list is incomplete. Every event is a whirlwind of hugs, laughter, and fellowship. Best yet, there always seems to be somebody new in attendance each time there is an event.

Service is also a key part of the identity of the YAMs group. Most notably, the YAMs group routinely helps the Saint Helena’s community in taking care of Maty’s Box, a community pantry named in memory of Maty Holland’s example of service to others. Maty’s Box provides non-perishable food, toiletries, and Bibles to those in need. This past March, the YAMs group built and painted the new Maty’s Box that stands on the corner of Rock Street and Main Street in Boerne.

When asked about what the YAMs group means to her, Cayce Mann stated, “To me it’s another place to call home. The friendships made will have a lasting impact on my life. My goal for this group was to create a space for young adults to find community with like-minded people and to create long-lasting relationships. It has surpassed my goal and has even strengthened my faith in God.”

For information on future YAMs gatherings, contact Cayce Mann.

~Article submitted by Walt Buzzini, DWTX Campus Missioner

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