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Resources & Curricula
August 26, 2021

"The Seven Whispers:" Fall Book Discussion from the Wisdom Years Ministry

Most of us thought we would be done with COVID by now, and yet we find the virus surging and strong reactions continuing to tear apart our communities. Discussing how we foster peace of mind through these disheartening times may be the welcome respite we need. In The Seven Whispers, author Christina Baldwin invites us to clear away the clutter and seek the inner voice of wisdom from our own souls. Through seven phrases or whispers, we will find that it is our souls that connect with the Spirit and can teach us much.

Starting September 9, join the Wisdom Years Ministry for an eight-week, online book discussion. Participants will read a chapter of the book on their own each week, then come together by Zoom on Thursday afternoons, 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. CT, for large-group and small-group harvesting of insights and revelations. Together we will see how our souls are calling each of us to continue to grow into the exact person God created us to be.

Participants can purchase the book from St. Mark's Bookstore, member of the Episcopal Bookseller Association, at, or by contacting Carla Pineda, at Keep in mind longer shipping times, and make sure you have your copy in hand by Thursday, September 9.

During the study, we will consider the Introduction to the book; Maintaining peace of mind; Moving at the pace of guidance; Practicing certainty of purpose; Surrendering to surprise; Asking for what we need and offering what we can; Loving the folks in front of us; and Returning to the world.

To reserve your spot in the study or join the Wisdom Years email list, contact Marjorie, at

Additional information about the Fall Book Discussion and the Wisdom Years Ministry can be found online, at

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