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Resources & Curricula
October 18, 2021

"Toward Incarnation:" Online Advent Study with the Wisdom Years Ministry

Starting December 2, join the Wisdom Years Ministry for a four-week, online Advent study.

In Advent we prepare for God’s Incarnation in human form. And we recognize that our God has been acting in history throughout time to bring God's people to himself. In our Advent exploration, we will look at how God was alive and working in the lives of five vibrant biblical women. The invitation is for each of us to explore through these women and ask: How is God working in us so that we might be all that God calls us to be?

The Advent Study will gather weekly on Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. Central Time, via Zoom, for discussion and small-group conversation. Each week participants will explore the following Biblical figures:

  • December 2 - "Sarah: the Long Struggle"
  • December 9 - "Miriam: Singing Her Own Song"
  • December 16 - "Deborah: Order, Disorder, Reorder"
  • December 23, optional - "Mary & Elizabeth: The Blessing (and Celebration!)"

To reserve your spot in the study or join the Wisdom Years email list, contact Marjorie, at

The Wisdom Years Ministry is a ministry dedicated to spiritual formation in the last third of life. More information about the Wisdom Years Ministry can be found online, at

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