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The diocesan Department of Communications strives to connect individuals to the life and activates of the diocese, to communicate essential information for full engagement with diocesan ministries, and to provide support to diocesan ministries and congregational communications.

Event Resource Toolkits


Bishop Suffragan Discernment Forums

Suggested Bulletin Text

Meet the Nominees

The Standing Committee has released the slate of nominees for the next bishop suffragan of our beloved diocese. They have been at work since the last Diocesan Council in February, organizing our Nominating Committee, recruiting nominations, and studying the vision for our diocese set forth by the Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, D.D., Bishop of West Texas. The Holy Spirit has been invited into our discernment process again and again, leading us to this slate of nominees for our election on October 19, 2024.

Slate of nominees for Bishop Suffragan Election: 

The Rev. Angela Maria Cortiñas, Associate Rector,
St. David’s Episcopal Church, Austin, Texas

The Rev. Canon Wm. Lee Curtis, Canon to the Ordinary,
Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande, El Paso, Texas

The Rev. Matthew Wise, Associate Rector,
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, San Antonio, Texas


The Standing Committee has published a Meet the Nominees booklet which includes a brief statement from each nominee, selections from their profile with the Office of Transition Ministry of The Episcopal Church, video greetings from the nominee, and links to sermons they have selected as examples of their preaching. Visit to download the booklet or read it online.

DIscernment Forums

The Nominating Committee will host three Discernment Forums, October 4 - 6, 2024. These in-person gatherings are an opportunity to get to know the slate of nominees and will be open to the public. The forums will begin in a large group with a greeting and prayer, and will continue with a series of small groups during which each nominee will respond to a series of questions.

We are asking for your help in submitting questions to ask our nominees. The forums will not be an opportunity for questions from the floor, but rather a compilation of the ideas, thoughts, and questions that you send us before these events. The forums will be built upon the ideas and thoughts which you, the diocese, will contribute.

Visit to submit questions for the nominees to answer during each forum. Each forum will be livestreamed at, and recordings from each candidate's responses to questions will be available shortly afterward.

Discernment Forums

St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, Harlingen
Friday, October 4
6:30pm to 9:15pm
1417 E Austin Ave, Harlingen, TX 78550

Trinity Episcopal Church, Victoria
Saturday, October 5
4:00pm to 6:45pm
1501 N Glass St, Victoria, TX 77901

TMI Episcopal, San Antonio
Sunday, October 6
3:00pm to 5:45pm
20955 W. Tejas Trail, San Antonio, TX 78257


Attendance is open to the public, and you may attend any, or all, of the forums.  Advance registration is not required.

Event Graphics


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Diocese of West Texas Episcopal Church Women Fall Gathering 2024

Suggested Bulletin Text

Diocesan Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Fall Gathering 2024

Tradition: Ancient Words and Rhythms as Grace for Today

September 27-29, 2024

Join us at Camp Capers for fellowship, renewal and relaxation. Spend the weekend connecting and learning with friends exploring how wisdom from the past influences our faith today. The Rev. Nancy Coon will be presenter for the weekend.

Visit to learn more.

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19th Annual Bishop's Golf Classic

Suggested Bulletin Text

19th Annual Bishop's Golf Classic
Help a child experience the joy of a God-centered camp program while enjoying a day of golf and fellowship.

Join us on Friday, November 15 at Canyon Springs Golf Club in San Antonio for the 19th Annual Bishop’s Golf Classic to enjoy a day of fun that supports the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas Camp Scholarship fund. Our mission is to reach beyond ourselves to serve all people in our communities. By participating in the tournament, you help a child or family experience an intentional Christian community where they have the opportunity to know what it means to feel like a beloved child of God. You are helping provide an amazing and meaningful experience that they might never have had if it wasn't for your participation - that's incredibly powerful - and we cannot thank you enough!

Sign up at by September 30, 2024 and receive the Early Bird(ie) Discount!

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Allured by God: The Desert Journey Home: 53rd Annual Diocesan Silent Retreat

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53rd Annual Diocesan Silent Retreat

Every year since 1972, The Diocese of West Texas Retreat Society has convened a Silent Retreat for Men and Women. This annual Retreat is the oldest continuous non-parochial ministry in the Diocese and the only Diocesan retreat where silence is the primary spiritual practice.

The 2024 retreat will be held at Mustang Island Conference Center, Port Aransas November 7 - 10 and the Retreat Conductor will be the Rev. Dr. Michael K. Marsh, Rector at St. Philip’s, Uvalde.

Fr. Mike’s deep passion is helping others grow spiritually. He does this through sermons, teaching, individual spiritual counseling, and leading retreats. Fr. Mike always brings a quiet, deep, contemplative presence to the Silent Retreats he conducts. Because study and prayer have formed his life and priesthood, he is a calm presence in a busy and often chaotic world.

For more information contact Rilda Baker, or 210-422-9459.

Visit for more information and to register for the retreat.

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Immigration Ministries
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Episcopal Schools
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Happening #158

Suggested Bulletin Text

Happening #157 will take place at St. John's in McAllen.

Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for older high school students, led by their peers. Any student in the 10th grade through 12th grade can attend. A small number of adults may also attend. Weekends tend to fill quickly, so don't delay! You will receive detailed information about the weekend via email after you register. Each Happening begins Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. sharp, and wraps up around 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. It is a lock-in, so prepare to stay the entire weekend.

The registration cost is $60, and a deposit must be paid to confirm your registration. Scholarships are available. Please email the Happening Advisory Board Chair, at, for scholarship information or other questions.

Visit to register.

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Cursillo #294

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Make plans to attend the next Cursilo at Camp Capers in November. Join James Bangert from St. John's, New Braunfels, lay rector and Arden McLean from St. George, San Antonio, assistant rectora, for Cursillo #294 for a weekend of study, reflection, fellowship, and worship. Cursillo #294 will be held  November 7 - 10, 2024 at Camp Capers. Spiritual Directors will be the Revs. Ripp Hardaway from St. John's, New Braunfels and Chris Roque from Calvary, Menard.

Cursillo (a Spanish word meaning "little course") gives church members the tools and "rules of life" to enthusiastically share the joys of knowing Christ with others in their everyday environments. Cursillo is patterned on Jesus' own example. He searched out and called groups of potential leaders, trained them and sent them out to bring the world to Him.

Visit to register.

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Continuing Education

Children and Youth Ministry Summit

Suggested Bulletin Text

The Bishop's Youth Commission and Christian Formation Committee are hosting a 1-day Ministry Leader's Summit on Saturday, October 26 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at the Bishop Jones Center. Brittany Sky, a mama, writer and creator, family ministry leader, researcher, product developer who loves kids and the adults who care for them the Project Director of the GenOn Ministries Christian Parenting Project. The day will include worship, breakout sessions, time for fellowship with Bp. Read, and conversation with ministry leaders from around the Diocese. All ministry leaders-paid and unpaid, lay and ordained, clergy included-who work with children, youth, and families are invited to attend. Lunch and snacks will be provided.

Visit to register.

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Word Missions

Fishin’ for Mission Tournament and Fundraiser

Suggested Bulletin Text

Registration is open for the Fishin’ for Mission Tournament on Saturday, September 21 at 6:00 a.m. in Rockport. The event, hosted by St. Peter’s Church in Rockport and St. Helena’s Church in Boerne, is a fundraiser for the World Missions Department at the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas and participants can register at The cost of the event is $85 per angler and $35 per angler under the age of 17. The event includes a fried fish dinner at St. Peter’s, 555 Enterprise Blvd. in Rockport, on Friday, September 20 at 6:00 p.m. and organizers are looking for silent auction and goody bag items.

Visit for more information.

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College & Young Adults
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Cathedral Park
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Camps & Conferences
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Diocesan Communications

Diocesan Newsletters:

Stay up to date with the latest news, events, and resources with our diocesan and ministry newsletters.
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to sign up or manage your subscriptions.

Social media:

The diocese hosts Facebook and Instagram pages for the Diocese of West Texas, Immigration & Refugee Ministries, Camp Capers, Duncan Park, Mustang Island Conference Center, College & Young Adult Ministries. We also have a Vimeo account for videos and live-streamed programming.

Five Things:

Our new weekly newsletter features the top Five Things happening in the Diocese of West Texas. Click here to sign up.
For more information or to submit items to be communicated to the diocese, contact us.

Events calendar:

Visit the Diocesan Events Calendar to learn about church and diocesan events, camp programs, bishop visitations, and other public gatherings for churches, schools, and ministries of the Diocese of West Texas.

Have a local event you’d like to invite the Diocese to attend? Clergy, lay leaders, and staff members may click here to submit an event for review by the diocesan staff.

Live Page:

Diocesan livestreamed events will appear on all our diocesan Facebook page, our Vimeo page, as well as the event page on our website.

Bishop Portrait

The Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, Bishop Coadjutor of West Texas: Full PhotoHead Shot

150th Anniversary Logo

Diocese of West Texas 150th Anniversary Logo

Diocesan Logo

Brand Manual Identity Guidelines
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Single Color Diocesan Horizontal Logo
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The Episcopal Church Shield

Available for download, with Visual Identity Guide in English and Spanish, at
The Episcopal Church Visual Identity Guide

Web Updates and Requests

To submit an event, submit a job description, request a change or update to your ministry webpage, or request diocesan coverage of your ministry's story or announcement, visit the Forms page. Completed forms will be sent to the Communications Team.


Director of Marketing and Communications: Meg Grant

Graphics & Social Media Manager: Andrea Thompson


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