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The daily financial operations for the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas are handled by Anna Tarver, Director of Finance, and Heather Hoffman, Senior Accounting Manager. The treasurer of the diocese is Mr. Ted Burkhart. He was elected at the 2007 Diocesan Council and is reconfirmed by Council annually, to serve for an indefinite period of time.

Annual Audit

The Episcopal Church canons require that each mission and parish submit an annual parochial report and financial audit, as well as other supplemental reports to the diocese. For more information about the Parochial Report and diocesan supplemental reports, visit the Reporting page.

  • If a church's General Purpose Income (Parochial Report, Revenue Section, Line A) is less than $600,000, then it is eligible to complete an audit by committee (see instructions below).
  • If a church's General Purpose Income is from $600,000 to $900,000, then a compilation by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) under Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 958 including notes to the financials and an Internal Control questionnaire is required.
  • If a church's General Purpose Income is from $900,001 to $1,200,000, then an External Review by a CPA is required.
  • If a church's General Purpose Income is more than $1,200,000, then an audit by a CPA under ASC 958 is required.
Instructions for Audit Committee Members

For churches with a General Purpose Income of less than $600,000. Other levels must have an audit completed by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

The audit is due no later than September 1.

Episcopal Church Foundation in West Texas

The Episcopal Church Foundation in West Texas is a charitable religious organization governed by a Board of Directors that includes the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. Its Executive Director and staff manage the Foundation’s daily activities. The Foundation was created by the Diocese to invest and manage funds of the Diocese; to be an investment resource to diocesan churches and institutions; and to encourage legacy stewardship within the Diocese.

Click here to visit the Foundation website for more information and resources.



Anna Tarver
Director of Finance
(888) 824-5387


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