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Camps & Conferences
October 8, 2021
October 10, 2021

Camp Capers Autumn Harvest Festival and Family Retreat

Enjoy the beauty of Autumn in the Texas Hill Country with your family as our seasons transition from summer to fall, with warm days and cool nights. Choose from multiple fall-themed family activities as well as your favorite Camp Capers traditions. Activities will include a Fall Leaves Hayride, pumpkin carving, family crafts, fall photo booth, archery, costume party, trick-or-treating, movie under the stars, campfires, cider sippin’, and so much more!

Days will conclude with an end-of-day prayer service called Compline and optional evening activities. We’ll take care of the cooking and clean up, while your family gets to have fun, together. Don’t forget to bring your masks and any board games or cards you may want to play while at Camp Capers! Need to stay connected? Wireless internet hotspots are available around camp, to allow guests to "work from camp."

Throughout the retreat, comprehensive health and safety guidelines will be in place to protect our guests and camp staff. Wearing fabric masks will be required inside all buildings (except family's accommodations), only members of the same household will share lodging, physical distancing will be observed, as well as proper hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, and sanitization of shared spaces.

Registration includes lodging, meals, and activities; rates are listed below. Families will have individual lodging.

Lodge Room Rates (up to 6 guests per room: 2 queen beds, private bathroom, linens provided, covered balcony/porch)

  • Family of 4 = $625
  • Family of 3 = $465
  • Family of 2 = $325
  • Family of 1 = $205
  • Additional Adult = $150
  • Additional Child = $100

Cabin Rates (up to 10 guests per cabin: twin bunk beds, private bathroom, family brings linens, covered porch/breezeway)

  • Family of 4 = $565
  • Family of 3 = $405
  • Family of 2 = $265
  • Family of 1 = $165
  • Additional Adult = $150
  • Additional Child = $100

No charge for infants 24 months and younger at the time of the retreat.

For more information, contact Camp Capers, at

A General Itinerary for Camp Capers’ Family Retreat:

8:00a.m. Breakfast in the Dining Hall, open through 9:00 a.m.

9:30a.m. Morning Activities

12:00p.m. Lunch, open through 1:00p.m.

1:00p.m. Quiet Hour / Free Time

2:30p.m. Afternoon Activities

6:00p.m. Dinner, including special meals like Barbecue at the Barn or Burgers at the Point

7:00p.m. Compline Worship Service

7:30p.m. Optional Evening Activities

Click to register
