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Camps & Conferences
February 13, 2022
February 13, 2022

Camp Sunday 2022

Click here to give to Camp Sunday 2022

Camp Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate and be thankful for the shared ministry of our congregations and our diocesan camping program, while encouraging others to sign up for a summer camping session. It’s also an opportunity for people to give financially so the monetary obligations of camp never hinder participation.

The Rt. Rev. David Reed, Bishop of West Texas and Camp Counselor emeritus, shares, "The pandemic has been hard on everyone and the camping world was not spared. But Camp Capers, Mustang Island Conference Center, and Duncan Park all found ways to welcome and serve people, even in the restrictive and reduced circumstances of COVID. This ministry will only become more vital, and even urgent, as we continue to experience the corrosive, lingering impact of the pandemic on children, youth, adults and our communities. Camps and conferences that are set in the beauty of God’s creation and focus on building community set in Christ, will become places of healing and restoration, even more than they have in the past."

Bishop Reed continues, "Camp life and conferences are primary means of sharing the Good News and forming disciples. They are a wide-open doorway to invite those outside the Church to encounter the living God. Celebrate? How can we not?!"

Included below are some fun and creative ideas for helping your church celebrate Camp Sunday, including the new Camps and Conferences promotional video and spread the good news about the ministry of camps and conferences in West Texas. Let the appointed Lectionary readings for Sunday, February 13, help you tell these stories. Other prayers and liturgies for Camp Sunday are linked below.

2022 Camps & Conferences Video

Ways to Give

There are three ways for congregations and individuals to give to the Camps Annual Campaign:

  1. Online, at the link above.
  2. Text "CampSunday" to (210) 796-6805.
  3. Mail a check to the diocesan office*, made out to "DWTX" and labeled "Camp Sunday."

*Diocese of West Texas
Attn: Camp Sunday
P.O. Box 6885
San Antonio, TX 78209

Questions? Contact Rob Watson, Director of Camps & Conferences, for more information.

Click to register
