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Camps & Conferences
October 7, 2022
October 9, 2022

Camp Capers' 75th Anniversary Celebration

Camp Capers is celebrating 75 years of transformative experiences and bringing joy to campers of all ages. Make plans to head back to camp October 7 - 9, 2022 and join the Rt. Rev. David Reed, the Camps & Conferences staff, 75th Anniversary Committee and your fellow campers to reminisce, tell stories and enjoy a magical weekend together in the hill country.

Camp Capers is excited to welcome back camper and staff alumni, retreat participants, parents, and camp supporters for a once in a lifetime celebration. The 75th Celebration weekend will include celebratory festivities, storytelling, and campus tours, as well as traditional camp activities including kayaking, Arts & Crafts, Saturday morning Teaching, Compline service, Sunday Chapel, and plenty of free time with camp friends - new and old.

Marnie Brown, Committee Co-Chair, shares "The Camp Capers 75th Anniversary Celebration will be a time for former campers, staff, and anyone who has shared or wants to share in the magic of this blessings-filled place to reconnect, rejuvenate, and build a Christ-centered community together. For me, Camp Capers has always been a place for fun, camaraderie, and connecting with God...a place to be whimsical, sentimental, musical, and non-sensical. I am counting the days until I can pass through the camp gates again to reconnect with old friends and to meet new ones. I hope to see you there!"


Single Occupancy Lodge Room: $300 per person
Double Occupancy Lodge Room: $250 per person
Cabin Group Lodging: $150 per person
Camp Site: $125 per person
Commuters: $100

Purchase Raffle Tickets for Camp Capers' 75th Anniversary Project

The Camp Capers 75th Anniversary Committee has curated incredible camp-centric items for the 75th Anniversary project raffle to raise funds to purchase a new golf cart, Gator, and anything else they can from Camp Capers' wish list! Tickets are available to purchase online through Monday, October 10, at midnight. It's the perfect way to lend your support to help raise funds for the 75th Anniversary Project!

Purchasing your tickets for this online raffle is easy; choose the item(s) you would like to win and how many entries you would like to purchase. Ticket prices range from $5 for one entry to $100 for 40 entries. The drawings will take place on Tuesday, October 11; winners will be contacted with instructions on how to claim their prize.

Enter for a chance to win:

Week of Camp at Camp Capers (valued at $525)
Hand-Made Quilt designed with Camp Capers T-shirts (valued at $200)
Silver & Copper Money Clip Hand-Crafted by Gretchen Kreidler (valued at $110)
Round Brass & Silver Buckle Hand-Crafted by Gretchen Kreidler (valued at $110)
Rectangle Brass & Copper Buckle Hand-Crafted by Gretchen Kreidler (valued at $110)

Click here to purchase.

Camp Capers
75th Anniversary Celebration Weekend

Schedule of Events

Friday, October 7
3:00 p.m. Registration Begins at Welcome Center

Pre-Dinner Activities Available:
Name Tags & Prayer Flags, Kayaking & River Time, Social Hours

6:00 p.m. Dinner
7:15 p.m. Welcome to the Weekend!
Introductions, Instructions, Icebreakers & Songs
Memorial Prayer Flag Dedication
9:30 p.m. Compline
9:45 p.m. Social Hour/Bedtime

Saturday, October 8
8:30 a.m. Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Daytripper Registration at Welcome Center
9:15 a.m. Name Tags & Prayer Flags, Social Time
10:00 a.m. “The Heart of Capers: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow”
Interactive Learning Presentation by Stacy Dowdy
11:30 a.m. Group Photo (Centrum); Photos & Social Time
12:30 p.m. Capers’ Traditional Fried Chicken Lunch
1:00 p.m. “Future of Capers” Presentation by Brian Kates
1:30 p.m. Free Time for Activities:
Kayaking, Guided Hikes, Moving Mosaic Art Project, Prayer Flags, Tetherball, Pickle Ball, Song/Story Time
1:45 p.m. Hayride Tour of New & Current Camp Capers
3:30 p.m. Hayride Tour of New & Current Camp Capers
5:15 p.m. Eucharist (Chapel) by Bishop David Reed
6:15 p.m. Tapas Dinner & Refreshments (Steves Hall & Patio)
7:15 p.m. Open Mic Night
8:00 p.m. Dance Concert with “Down for The Count”
10:00 p.m. Compline
10:15 p.m. Social Hour/Bedtime

Sunday, October 9
8:30 a.m. Breakfast
9:15 a.m. Morning Prayer & Art Installation Dedication by Bishop David Reed

Additional Lodging Suggestions


Hotels, B&Bs, and RV Parks in Comfort

Hotels, B&Bs, and RV Parks in Boerne

Questions may be directed to

Click to register
