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May 18, 2021
May 18, 2021

Christian Formation Listening Session - Northeastern Convocation

The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas' Christian Formation Committee invites everyone who works or volunteers with children, youth, and adult formation to a listening session with other lay leaders, clergy, and church staff from your convocation. Beginning at 6:30 p.m., each Christian Formation Listening Session will be a one-hour, guided discussion led by a member of the Committee, on Zoom.

Each Listening Sessions is an opportunity to get to know others doing formation work, to discuss local needs, and to inform the work of the Christian Formation Committee by discussing what resources would be most helpful for each church’s formation ministries.

Participants should plan to attend their convocation's session, in order to get to know others planning and facilitating formation work in their region of the Diocese, but are welcome to attend a different session, if needed.

Questions? Contact Suzanna Green, Christian Formation Committee Chair, at

Click to register



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