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Continuing Education
July 15, 2023
July 15, 2023

Claiming My Now

Each season of life brings new revelations, new challenges, new blessings. During the “wisdom years” – the last third of life – while the body diminishes, the spiritual longing for a deeper relationship with God increases. How we nurture that is the mission of The Wisdom Years ministry.

Our “Claiming My Now” workshop is an opportunity to consider how we can navigate the joys and the challenges of the years ahead of us.

In this workshop we will consider

  • What nurtures your soul during this season of life?
  • What challenges do you face?
  • What would it look like to thrive in this season?
  • Where do you find God in your life?

Our day will include time for reflection, small group conversation, “harvesting” our thoughts, and learning from each other. We will close with Eucharist and invite you to bring your own lunch for informal conversation.

Cost: $20

Need more details?

Email Marjorie George at

Click to register
