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May 6, 2024
May 6, 2024

Creative Ways to be Intergenerational Webinar

The diocesan Christian Formation Committee is hosting a repeat of their council workshop, this time on Zoom!

Here is some information:

Intergenerational is a term that can have different interpretations. Have you ever thought?

• What exactly is intergenerational formation?

• What does that phrase really mean?

• What does intentional and creative intergenerational formation look like in a variety of congregations around our Diocese?

• How can your church's outreach be intergenerational?

• What are some simple ways to incorporate this type of formation into the life of your church?

We can't wait for you all to hear real-life success stories of where God is already at work in intergenerational formation in the Diocese of West Texas and how your church can do this too!

Click to register



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