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Camps & Conferences
July 24, 2022
July 30, 2022

Duncan Park Backpacking Camp

A Backpacking Camp at Duncan Park for rising 10th through 12th graders and college students.

Are you ready to be challenged in a way you never have? Backpacking is an incredible experience that gives you the opportunity to learn about yourself and grow in your relationship with God on the trail. Duncan Park guides will teach you all the skills a person needs for the trail. Then we'll spend four days and three nights backpacking through the Indian Peaks Wilderness. Step out of your comfort zone into a land of possibilities! (Duncan Park provides hiking pack, tents, sleeping bag, and cooking equipment. Campers provide hiking boots and weather appropriate clothing for the trip. Email for suggestions regarding hiking boots or other personal gear.).

Duncan Park is committed to offering fun, life-changing experiences to families and youth in a safe, Christ-centered community. Leadership at camp is provided by program staff and counselors, as well as a priest from the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, serving as chaplain for the week.

Registration cost is $800, which includes roundtrip airfare from the San Antonio International Airport; scholarships are available. Backpacking Camp is for rising 10th through graduated 12th graders, college students, and adults.

A Day at Duncan Park

Each session at Duncan Park is unique and activities change from week to week. Sessions begin with an acclimation day to allow campers to adjust to the higher elevation, but the rest of the week is action-packed.

Here’s what you can expect on a typical day at Duncan Park:

  • Wake up and head to the Main Lodge for breakfast
  • Prepare for adventure! Adventures may include rock climbing, white water rafting, hiking, or backpacking
  • Depart for adventure, lunch on the trail/road
  • Return to Duncan Park for dinner
  • Free time
  • Chapel time with session chaplain
  • Off to bed to rest up for the next day

Backpacking sessions will spend Days 1 and 2 learning backcountry basics, like how to set up a tent and best way to carry everything you'll need in your backpack, then hike out of Duncan Park for a four-day continuous trek through gorgeous mountains, wildflower filled valleys, pine forests, and alpine streams.

If you have questions about Duncan Park, feel free to contact Jody Davis, Director, at

Click to register
