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Camps & Conferences
July 11, 2021
July 16, 2021

Duncan Park Renew, Reflect Connect

Duncan Park is an Episcopal camp of the Diocese of West Texas, located in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.

This is a session at Duncan Park for adults to disconnect with the everyday and reconnect with God. The Rev. Jan Dantone, rector of Epiphany Episcopal Church in Kingsville, will serve as Session Chaplain. During the week the group will have opportunities to hike, to relax, to visit nearby State Natural Areas, breathe a little deeper, laugh a little harder, and rest with people from all over the diocese.

Registration cost is $725, which includes roundtrip airfare from the San Antonio International Airport, or $475 for individuals who wish to make their own travel arrangements; scholarships are available.

Optional activities, which can be added on during registration, include a horseback riding excursion ($55) and a whitewater rafting trip ($55).

A Day at Duncan Park

Each session at Duncan Park is unique and activities change from week to week. Sessions begin with an acclimation day to allow campers to adjust to the higher elevation, but the rest of the week is action-packed.

Here’s what you can expect on a typical day at Duncan Park:

  • Wake up and head to the Main Lodge for breakfast
  • Prepare for adventure! Adventures may include rock climbing, white water rafting, hiking, or backpacking
  • Depart for adventure, lunch on the trail/road
  • Return to Duncan Park for dinner
  • Free time
  • Chapel time with session chaplain
  • Off to bed to rest up for the next day

If you have questions about Duncan Park, feel free to contact Jody Davis, Director, at

Click to register
