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Continuing Education
February 5, 2022
February 5, 2022

Introduction to Godly Play Training: Discover + Renew + Return

Everything about Christian Formation ministry seems like it has changed. And while in many ways it has, God’s ancient story, told from the heart in a way that makes space for children of all ages to wonder and search for the mystery of God’s presence, is just what our churches and children need right now.

Join the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas' Christian Formation Committee and Godly Play Foundation trainers, Sharolyn Browning and Becki Stewart, for a one-day, in-person Godly Play training. Taking place in San Antonio on February 5th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the training will be open to all Christian Formation leaders and volunteers, as well as diocesan clergy, whether new to Godly Play or renewing prior learning. Gather with others and learn to better support children as they grow in faith and vibrant spirituality in our diocesan communities.

Registration cost is $50 per person and includes lunch. Scholarships may be available.

Contact Suzanna Green, Bishop's Deputy for Christian Formation, at with questions and to sign-up. Click here to save a shareable event flyer to your Downloads Folder.

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