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May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023

May Stewardship Webinar: "Motivations for Intergenerational Giving"

Click here to register for "Motivations for Intergenerational Giving," on May 8 at 11:30 a.m. CDT.

Are you wondering how to attract and retain members and givers who identify as Millennial and Gen-Z? Learn best practices on how different generations react to giving and membership in church, and some simple ways you can prepare your ministry to welcome members of all ages. Please register for this free webinar with our partner TENS: The Episcopal Network for Stewardship and join us on Zoom.

Please join us on Monday, May 8 at 11:30 a.m. CT on Zoom for the first stewardship webinar.

In collaboration with The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) the Diocese of West Texas is hosting a series of free stewardship webinars during 2023. These webinars will help lay leaders, clergy, and anyone who is interested learn more about stewardship and provide resources, tips, and stewardship ideas that work. Participants must register for each webinar individually and may attend one or as many of the webinars as they would like. Congregations are strongly encouraged to send at least one representative to each webinar, although the same person does not need to attend all of them.

Click here to learn more about the other webinars in the series.

Questions may be directed to the Rev. Ram Lopez, Stewardship Department Co-Chair, at, or Canon Caroline Mowen, at

Click to register



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