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September 16, 2023
September 16, 2023

Small Church Gathering: Outreach to Reaching Out

The second Small Church Regional Gathering, "Outreach to Reaching Out" will take place at All Saints' Episcopal Church in San Benito on Saturday, September 16 from at 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. An option for online participation will also be available.

Beginning with coffee and time to get acquainted, the meeting topics will include best practices for hosting online services and stewardship. The morning presentations will include "Practicing Outreach: Living into our Baptismal Covenant" led by the Rev. John Blackburn of St. Christopher's, Portland and "It's a Small World" led by Jim Sartwelle of St. Matthew's, Kenedy. After lunch, the Rev. Dexter Lesieur of St. Matthias', Devine will present "Getting your Church Online and Engaging your Online Community of Faith." Opportunities for small group discussion and questions will be included throughout the day.

Lunch will be provided at no cost. Anyone and everyone from your congregation is invited. Click the button below to RSVP, before Monday, September 11. Everyone interested in learning more about the Small Church ministry is invited!

Click here to read an article about the first Small Church Gathering, held May 20, 2023 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Brady.

Questions about the event or registration may be directed to Melissa Soderberg, at

All Saints' Episcopal Church: 
499 N Reagan Street; San Benito, TX 78586

Click to register
