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Camps & Conferences
April 28, 2023
April 30, 2023

Spirit, Mind, and Body: Engaging with the World Retreat

Engage with your world through the lens of Spirit, Mind, and Body. Led by the Rt. Rev. Gary Lillibridge, Catherine Lillibridge, and Mary Katherine Duffy, participants will explore scripture's timeless message, the Enneagram's transformative direction, and the MELT Method's self-applied healing therapy. Give yourself a weekend to reflect and relax, then return home with a renewed sense of peace and new insights into the choices we have on a daily basis.

Friday evening includes:
Introductory Session

Saturday includes:
Conference Sessions
Delicious Meals
Free Time
Breakout Sessions

Sunday includes:
Closing Session
Worship Service

Spirit: Bishop Gary will discuss how scripture both applies and inspires in today’s complex times. We’ll explore how Christ forms, informs, and transforms our character to better love God, love our neighbor, and love ourselves as we integrate these teachings into our daily lives.

Mind: The Enneagram is an ancient personality typing system that describes how people are wired, both positively and negatively. It is a method for understanding why we and others do what we do, why we have conflicts with some people but not others, and how we can become more aware of our blind spots. Mary Katherine is a trained Enneagram workshop leader and will lead us through discussions to help us find and understand our Enneagram number. Understanding ourselves and others more fully will further our development in the areas of emotional intelligence, self-awareness and personal relationships.

Body: We often take our bodies for granted as we go through our daily routines, ignoring twinges and aches. When something flares up, we want to get back to normal ASAP. MELT is an effective, natural pain management solution that compliments other forms of body care and enhances overall wellness. Catherine is a certified MELT instructor and will lead us through short exercises to bring pain relief, deeper sleep and less stress within our body and mind.

Weekend Cost:
Single Room: $388
Double Room: $328

Click to register
