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Camps & Conferences
May 7, 2021
May 9, 2021

Spiritual Retreat in Recovery at Camp Capers

The mission of Spiritual Retreats in Recovery is to provide a safe place to deepen one’s spiritual journey, open to anyone in recovery from alcoholism or other addictions, and to families and friends affected by the disease of addiction. Members of AA, NA, ACA, Al-Anon and other recovery practices share their experience, strength, and hope in a community of love and support.

The Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke, formerly of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, will bring his keynote message for the weekend, "Life on Life's Terms," and diocesan clergy will provide on-site services, topical spiritual insight, and pastoral care. Breakout sessions focus on a variety of topics and activities.

All friends in recovery are welcome. No church affiliation is required. Observing strict diocesan guidelines and Camp Capers protocol during the pandemic, there will be limited enrollment for attendance. In-person attendees will be treated to warm hospitality, delicious food, and thoughtful presentations in this beautiful hill country setting along the Guadalupe River.

Retreat costs, listed below, vary with chosen accommodation options and include 5 meals. Registration will be open from April 6 through May 4.

  • Lodge Rooms: $215 per person
  • Cabins: $145 per person
  • Commuter Rate: $75 per person
  • Video Option: $20 suggested donation, read more below

Past participants share:

"“Recovery happens in community. At this retreat, I enjoyed the awesome presence of God through others in recovery - and in a beautiful setting. It doesn’t get any better!”

"A great, relaxing weekend. I experienced the spiritual healing of the group, and enjoyed quiet time with my Higher Power in one of His most wondrous creations. In comfort with great food!"

Video Option

Unable to attend the 115th Spiritual Retreat in Recovery in-person? Video recordings of the speaker sessions will be made available the week after the retreat, along with a Zoom link for a special, live Question & Answer session with the Rev. Stuart Hoke, retreat leader.

Click here to sign up for more information regarding the video options.

Click to register
