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Camps & Conferences
May 6, 2022
May 8, 2022

Spiritual Retreat in Recovery #117: "A Spirituality of Subtraction"

May 6 - 8, 2022 at Camp Capers

The mission of Spiritual Retreats in Recovery is to provide a safe place to deepen one’s spiritual journey, open to anyone in recovery from alcoholism or other addictions, and to families and friends affected by the disease of addiction. Members of AA, NA, ACA, Al-Anon and other recovery practices share their experience, strength, and hope in a community of love and support.

The Rev. Jeff Hammond will guide us through the retreat’s recovery theme, "A Spirituality of Subtraction." Taking place at Camp Capers participants will explore and share what it was like, what happened, and what we are like now. Onsite services, topical spiritual insight, and pastoral care will be provided. Ample time will be set aside for individual exploration as well.

All friends in recovery are welcome. No church affiliation is required. Current Camp Capers' pandemic protocol at the time of the retreat will be observed. Attendees will be treated to warm hospitality, delicious food, and thoughtful presentations in this beautiful hill country setting.

Click here to save a copy of the Spiritual Retreat in Recovery #1117 Agenda.

Retreat costs are listed below and vary with chosen accommodation options; all options include 5 meals. Commuters may request a list of nearby hotels by contacting Melissa Soderberg, at Registration will be open from March 17 through May 3.

  • Lodge Room - Double Occupancy: $235 per person (closed, see note below)
  • Lodge Room - Single Occupancy: $295 per person (closed, see note below)
  • Cabins: $155, per person (closed)
  • Commuter Rate: $95 per person

Lodge Room reservations are currently full. Please email Melissa Soderberg, at, to be placed on a Lodge Room waiting list. As Lodge Rooms become available, waiting list individuals will be contacted in order of their registration date and time. You may still complete your registration, selecting the Commuter rate, if you request to be on the waiting list.

Past participants share:

"“Recovery happens in community. At this retreat, I enjoyed the awesome presence of God through others in recovery - and in a beautiful setting. It doesn’t get any better!”

"A great, relaxing weekend. I experienced the spiritual healing of the group, and enjoyed quiet time with my Higher Power in one of His most wondrous creations. In comfort with great food!"

Limited scholarship funds are available, based on need and given on a 'first come, first served' basis. Scholarship recipients will be expected to contribute a portion of their own funds toward their registration fees. Please contact the Registration Coordinator at 210-367-9584 for scholarship information.

Click to register
