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May 14, 2022

Annual Diocesan Silent Retreat Moves to Mustang Island Conference Center

For God alone my soul in silence waits; truly, my hope is in him. (Psalm 62:6)
God’s first language is silence.
(St. John of the Cross)

To begin its second half-century as a time to “come away to a deserted place,” the Annual Diocesan Silent Retreat is moving to the Mustang Island Conference Center.

The 2022 Silent Retreat will be held October 13 - 16, with check-in on Thursday from 3:00 to 6:00 pm, and the retreat conclusion on Sunday, after Eucharist and brunch. This year’s conductor will be the Rev. Jonathan Wickham, Rector of All Saints', Corpus Christi, whose meditations on a chosen theme will “help get the water of sweet converse with God flowing,” as the Rt. Rev. Robert Hibbs once remarked.

Each year, the Diocesan Silent Retreat is anchored in praying the Daily Offices together and celebrating daily Eucharist. Communal silence is nourished by sharing holy space and the natural beauty of the surroundings, with ample personal time built in to “be your naked self before God and be found by him” (Bill Gaultiere). Individual lodging space with balcony views, delicious meals, and a companionable community all contribute to the spiritual refreshment and restoration that are unique gifts of solitude and the practice of silence.

Retreat fees and schedules will be available soon, at For more information about the Silent Retreat, contact Rilda Baker, Retreat Society Convener, at or (210) 422-9459.

Click here to read "A History of the Retreat Society and Silent Retreats in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas."

Click here to save a printable copy of this event release to your Downloads Folder.

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