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Ministry Spotlights
May 4, 2021

Episcopal Relief & Development Supports Humanitarian Response in Border Communities

The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas has received $20,000 in grant funding from Episcopal Relief & Development. This generous grant supports diocesan Immigration Ministries as it provides COVID-safe humanitarian assistance, such as transportation, food and medical care, to people seeking asylum in south Texas.

The Immigration Ministries of the Diocese of West Texas works with individuals and families seeking asylum at the United States border. As part of the Interfaith Welcome Coalition in San Antonio, diocesan volunteers and staff greet travelers and provide transportation to assist them on the journey to their sponsor. Flor Saldivar, diocesan Coordinator for Immigration and Refugee Ministries, is coordinating transportation routes by identifying which congregations would be able to provide assistance, using the Episcopal Asset Map, a tool created by The Episcopal Church and Episcopal Relief & Development.

In addition to transportation, the diocese is providing translation services, medical care, food, hygiene items and baby and maternity supplies to individuals and families in need. Immigration Ministries and other local organizations are collaborating with local and federal governments to make the COVID-19 vaccine readily available to migrants who choose to take it. Volunteers and staff follow strict COVID-19 prevention guidelines such as wearing masks and limiting the number of unrelated people who can ride together.  

"The more information congregations share on the Episcopal Asset Map about their gifts, the easier it is for disaster response coordinators to mobilize resources to respond to human need and the work being done at the border is a perfect example," shares Tamara Plummer, Program Officer, US Disaster Program at Episcopal Relief & Development. Click here to read the Episcopal Relief & Development press release about this grant.

Please consider a donation to support Immigration Ministries ongoing outreach or take action with various local ministries, listed online at Churches may submit additions to their Episcopal Asset Map listing online; click here for instructions and more information.

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