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February 6, 2023

Historical Commission Brings History of the Diocese to Council 2023

The Diocesan Historical Commission has available two useful resources that might be of interest to any congregation studying its own history or the history of the Diocese - Churches and Clergy in the Diocese of West Texas and the full archives of The Church News. Anyone may bring a personal flash drive to the booth and save a copy of either document. To save both, bring two flash drives.

Churches and Clergy in the Diocese of West Texas is a list of all the places in the diocese where there are now, or ever have been, congregations of the Episcopal Church. Since it is 224 pages long, it is too expensive to print and too large to send as an attached file to an email message. We have not yet been able to put it on the diocesan website, but it will be made available at the Historical Commission's Council 2023 booth. Anyone may bring a personal flash drive to the booth and save a copy of the document. You will need 15,000 kB of available space.

The other resource is a complete run of all the issues of The Church News and its predecessor publications from 1883 through 2018 on PDF files. These issues will also be available at the Historical Commission booth. For this you will need a flash drive with 12 GB of space. This is the easiest way we can think of to make these resources available. Come and see us at Council.

Diocesan Historical Commission

The Historical Commission is the caretaker of the history of the Diocese of West Texas. With the diocesan Archivist, it is the Commission's job to collect, archive, and make available important documents as well as the history of the diocese and its churches. Stored at the Bishop Jones Center, the archives of the diocese include files on diocesan churches, both active and former, as well as past bishops of the diocese and other important persons and events. The journals of all diocesan councils are in the archives, as are copies of The Church News, the diocesan newspaper. Click here to visit the Historical Commission page to learn more.

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