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February 15, 2022

Invitation to Celebrate World Missions Partnerships

The Episcopal Church has designated the last Sunday in Epiphany of each year as World Mission Sunday: a day when churches are invited to focus on the call to “seek and serve Christ in all persons."

World Mission Sunday falls on February 27 this year, and the diocesan World Missions department invites churches to recognize World Mission Sunday during Announcements on February 27 and share this flyer, celebrating its mission partners and the programs it supports, which include:

  • Band & Bible Mission in Uganda
  • Educatodos School in Honduras
  • Education,Sewing & Food Programs in Mexico
  • EleventhHour Ministry Network in Kenya
  • Hilos de Dios Embroidery in Honduras
  • Love Honduras Veterinary & Public Health Programs
  • Episcopal Church in Navajoland
  • Father’s Family Development Programs in Uganda
  • Love for the Least Middle East
  • Manos de Dios in Honduras
  • Texas Water Mission
  • Threads of Blessing in Uganda
  • Uganda Literacy Program

Questions? Contact Marthe Curry, Director, at, or Catherine Markette, World Missions Ministries Coordinator, at

For more information about World Missions events and partnerships, click here to subscribe to the World Missions monthly newsletter and follow World Missions on Facebook and Instagram.

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