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February 9, 2021

Online Lenten Series: "Nevertheless the Kingdom has come near to you."

This five-week, online series will explore how God has been moving and blessing us through the last year. From 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., each Wednesday evening during Lent, join a different presenter from throughout the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas for their reflection on the 2021 diocesan scripture theme: "Nevertheless the Kingdom has come near to you" (Luke 10:11). Each week will also include opportunities for breakout discussion with other members of your church and a Questions & Answer section.

How God has moved and blessed us...
  • "Through Slowing Down," led by the Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson, Associate Professor of New Testament and Director of Community Care at Seminary of the Southwest (February 24)
  • "In Mission Through New Technology," led by the Rev. Beth Wyndham, Diocesan Church Planter, St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Spring Branch (March 3)
  • "To Be Neighbors in a New Way," led by Flor Saldivar, Coordinator for Immigration and Refugee Ministries, Episcopal Diocese of West Texas (March 10)
  • "To Be a Beacon to Others," led by the Rt. Rev. David Reed, Bishop of West Texas (March 17)
  • "To See What is Truly Important," led by the Ven. Mike Besson, Archdeacon of the Diocese of West Texas (March 24)

Registration will not be required; contact the Rev. Eric Holloway, rector of St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in San Antonio and series organizer, at, for links to join.

Click here to save and share the series flyer. Follow the events on Facebook for more information.

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