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February 9, 2022

Register Now for Fourth Annual Border & Migration Ministry Summit

A virtual conference for those engaged or interested in migration ministries will be held March 30-31, hosted by Episcopal Migration Ministries in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. The Fourth Annual Border & Migration Ministry Summit - rescheduled from October - will be simultaneously interpreted in English and Spanish.

This year’s program will feature keynote presentations from the following:

  • Karen Gonzalez, a nonprofit professional at World Relief, speaker, immigrant advocate, and author of “The God Who Sees: Immigrants, The Bible, and the Journey to Belong.”
  • The Rev. Nancy Frausto, director of the Latinx Studies Program and lecturer in Latinx ministry at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas.

During the summit, attendees will learn about and reflect on forced migration through the lenses of asylum, immigrant detention, and accompaniment. Panel discussions will include experts, practitioners, faith leaders, and lay leaders.

The conference is scheduled to run from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. CT on Wednesday, March 30, and from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. CT on March 31.

Registration costs $25; the deadline to sign up is March 25.

For inquiries regarding Immigration Ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, contact Flor Saldivar, Director of Immigration and Refugee Ministries.

Inscríbase ahora en la 4ª Cumbre Anual del Ministerio de Fronteras y Migración

Los días 30 y 31 de marzo se llevará a cabo una conferencia virtual para quienes estén involucrados o interesados en los ministerios relacionados con migración. La conferencia es auspiciada por los Ministerios Episcopales de Migración en colaboración con la Diócesis Episcopal del Oeste de Texas. La Cuarta Cumbre Anual del Ministerio de Fronteras y Migración -reprogramada desde octubre - se interpretará simultáneamente en inglés y español.

El programa de este año contará con las presentaciones magistrales de las siguientes personas:

  • Karen González, profesional sin fines de lucro de World Relief, oradora, defensora de los inmigrantes y autora de “El Dios que ve: Inmigrantes, La Biblia y el Camino a Pertenecer”.
  • La reverenda Nancy Frausto, directora del Programa de Estudios Latinx y profesora del ministerio Latinx en el Seminario del Suroeste en Austin, Texas.

Durante la cumbre, los asistentes aprenderán y reflexionarán sobre la migración forzada bajo el lente del asilo, la detención de inmigrantes y el acompañamiento. En las mesas redondas participarán expertos, profesionales, líderes religiosos y líderes laicos.

La conferencia está programada para el miércoles 30 de marzo de 12:00 a 4:00 p.m. hora central y el 31 de marzo de 12:00 a 3:00 p.m. hora central.

La inscripción cuesta 25 dólares; la fecha límite para inscribirse es el 25 de marzo.


About Episcopal Migration Ministries
Episcopal Migration Ministries is a ministry of The Episcopal Church and is one of nine national agencies responsible for resettling refugees in the United States in partnership with the government. Episcopal Migration Ministries has 12 affiliate offices in 10 states. In addition to its long-standing work in refugee resettlement ministry, Episcopal Migration Ministries is The Episcopal Church’s convening place for collaboration, education, and information-sharing on migration.

About the Diocese of West Texas
The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas is made up of 87 congregations, spread across 60 counties in South Central Texas. Recognizing the cultural diversity that is our gift in Texas, our members are diverse and our worship and corporate life can be bilingual in language and in spirit. We are part of The Episcopal Church and are guided in purpose by five core values: faith, sacramental worship, evangelism, mission, and reconciliation.

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