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November 22, 2024
November 24, 2024

Happening #158

Happening #158 will take place at St. Peter's in Kerrville.
H.I.S. Love #158 will take place at First Presbyterian Church in Kerrville.

Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for older high school students, led by their peers. Any student in the 10th grade through 12th grade can attend. A small number of adults may also attend. Weekends tend to fill quickly, so don't delay! You will receive detailed information about the weekend via email after you register. Each Happening begins Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. sharp, and wraps up around 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. It is a lock-in, so prepare to stay the entire weekend.

Registration for first-time Happeners will be limited. A waiting list will be closely monitored, as usual, to make sure that if anyone becomes unable to attend the next person in line is invited to register.

The registration cost is $60, and a deposit must be paid to confirm your registration. Scholarships are available.

Please email the Happening Advisory Board Chair, at, for scholarship information or other questions.

Please consult Participation Guidelines prior to registration.

Participant Registration Links
Staff Registration Links
  • Click here to sign up for Happening Staff #158.
  • Click here to sign up for H.I.S. Love Staff #158.
  • Click here to complete a Senior Leadership Application form, if you are interested in serving in a Happening or HIS Love Senior Leadership position.
Click to register
